I had one encounter of the 'Hey, long time no see! how youuu doinnnnggg etc etc' with someone I know...apparently from high school -_-'
I'm usually good with faces and names, but I have nooooooo idea who this person was. GG. But she seems to know alot about what I've been up to.
Till now, I still don't know her name! LOL.
This is where Facebook is supposed to come in handy.
I've spent half an hour checking high school friend's friends....
...but..sorry, still no sunshine o_O
and no, I dont have a photo. Coz I dont want to know......die -_-'
If you happen to read this, please send me a msg to scold me. thanks.
I finished Season 4 of How I Met Your Mother, and season 2 of Big Bang Theory, and now I'm left with nothing to watch -_-' Sheldon Cooper is seriously ftw.
I really need to go collect Season 5 and season 3 of those series respectively and probably also the 3 seasons of True Blood.
Daryl can vouch for it's awesomeness ♥ He was watching it the whole time while the 7 of us was battling it out in Citadels in Zhou's house, which he won, beating PYH and Soon by 1 point.
Apparently, this is the first time he won....
Things could have been different if you didn't simply kill people T_T I know I have been killing your merchant again, and again......and again (lolol actually it's still funny =)...but that's besides the point) but no need liddat wan lor =(
But nvm as least I happy abit coz I made Kochi emo :) Not my fault, Nara batu api wan. LOL.
We went to watch Prince of Persia too the other day and I thought it was pretty good. If you have the time, go watch it. The same girl from Clash of the Titans is in there, and she's still as 'woody' as ever. Gwyneth Palthrow still rocks.I have no idea why people wanna go watch at MBO. The place stinks, the seats stink, and the sound systems seriously can throw -_- Met Daryl's mum and bro there and DREW WITH GIRLS.
"Oh, you guys are back? I didn't know."
Ok, time to sleep. Mini holiday over. Back to work yay so fun.
P.S - Gee is now is 3D! Ok, it's probably time to invest in a pair of 3D glasses. ♥ I'll see if the Indon maid can get it cheap from Jakarta hmm.