Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ne, daisukidayo!

Thanks to my non existant life-kinda-lifestyle, I officially have nothing to blog. I would like to thank Dragon Age: Origins & watching football for helping me save tonnes of money. Yes, I even watched the 4am matches for two weeks now! Don't believe, kamu boleh tanya Mr. Brightside.

We both together-gether ber-emo-emo after going down 2-1 unfairly to our noisy neighbours.

Yea, that's the scoreline. I couldn't believe it either.

Because let's face it, the only way that crap of a team was ever gonna win against United, was if they had the ref's help. And, which they did. -__-' Not ONCE, but twice. I suppose when you have billions and billions to spend, 1million a match for the ref is considered cheap cheap, right? Haiz.

I'm not being a sour grape kk. This, is a fact.

Since I'm on a mean streak, another reason why I don't blog that much anymore is because people are whining to me. Like "Why am I not invited to bla bla bla". The funniest one so far was, 'Why nvr ask me to go to the church event also?'


I go in Chantry in Redcliff got la o_O

Not funny? Haiz. kk =(

(If you wanna go church, go ask this fella mou. haha i'm loving the pouting faces in that blog -_-)

Look, most of the time, I'm not the one organising events. I..just..go. Most of the time I only know the people who will be attending when I reach and see their faces and go:

'Oh, u're here too. HI.'

And I agree when the 'organisers' tell me that when they ask people to go somewhere/do something, the first thing they will ask is 'Who else is coming?' Because, I feel that's an insult to the person who organises the stuff as it feels as if you'd only go if another person u like is coming.

So, rule of the thumb is, if u're not invited, probably the host doesn't really like you that much o.ov

Ok enough of the mean streak.

On another issue, Zumou is right. Playing games really can help save a heck a lot of money. First off, you don't go out that much. Second of all, you don't get 'food cravings' out of a sudden.

Therefore, food & entertainment expenses (watch movie etc) INSTANTLY get cut down by like...80%. And, we don't even have the need to pick up the phone to talk to anyone too! Yay for money-saving scheme. But, then again, there goes my life T__T

Since I have nothing to report, I shall start posting everyday stuff that you see on the net kk.

Nike Women ftw! (feat. Miss Sharapova)

It's true. Their apparels/shoes have so so so so so much more variety of colours, including the bright ones which I love. For the guys, it's the usual Red/Black/Blue colours. Bleh. Boring.

The Nikewomen outlet usually have all the dark green, bright yellow/orange, purple-ish colours which I like T__T

Just like my traffic-light-system-shoes. Red, Yellow and Green =D

Then again, I might be conned by a marketing scheme coz Sharapova looks really hot in the Nike ads. =/

Which leads me to another thing. According to research done here,

IT'S official - blondes do have more fun.

According to a study by the University of California, that's because blondes are more confident and aggressive, even displaying "warlike" tendancies to get their own way in life.

The study of 156 US students showed that because blondes believe they are more attractive to men than redheads or brunettes, they "feel more entitled" to getting their own way.

"What we did not expect to find was how much more warlike they are than their peers on campus," study leader Aaron Sell told UK tabloid The Sun.

"Many blondes exist in a kind of bubble where they have been treated better than other people for so long, they may not even realise they are treated like a princess."

His research indicated that the more "special" people felt, judged by physical strength for men and looks for women, the more likely they were to get angry as a strategy to reach social goals.

More than 85 per cent of the world's population have dark hair and brown eyes, according to The Sun, which noted that blondes emerged just 11,000 years ago because of a "genetic mutation".

The researchers, whose study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, also found that women who dyed their hair blonde took on the same characteristics as natural blondes.


Preferably, platinum blonde mou. Like Miss Gaga.

I'm such a huge Gaga fan that I'm following her on Facebook AND Twitter. o_O

Speaking of Twitter, this has gotta the funniest thing I have seen today.

Did you know the police are on Twitter? Well, in a manner of speaking. Paul Chambers found out the hard way when he became the first person in the UK to be
arrested for a Twitter post.

Worried that heavy snowfall would foil his flight plans out of Robin Hood airport in Doncaster, England, the 26-year-old did what any digital citizen would do: tweet. “Robin Hood airport is closed,” he joked. “You’ve got a week and a bit to get your shit together, otherwise I’m blowing the airport sky high!!” Suspicious of a terrorist threat, police arrested Chambers a week later under the Terrorism Act, interrogated him for seven hours, suspended from work during an internal investigation, and banned him from the airport for life.

Throw this one in the Reasons to Think Before Tweeting pile.

Ok, the downloads to my Boa et. al. MVs have finished. Time to go kill some Genlocks and Hurlocks and talk more to my 2nd temporary girlfriend, Morrigan.

I'm starting to have the hots for animated things, for example:

Yes, 'tis true.

Well, that's all, folks!

*cues Looney Tunes theme song*
