Friday, January 29, 2010

"I'm a free bitch, baby."

I woke up at 4am two days in a row. The first night was uber fail. I went to bed at 9pm but woke up at 1am coz of some stupid motor racing outside. Stupid primitives living behind my condo. Yeap, the same kind that starts making noise at 5.50am every morning. No elaboration needed as I do not want my ass brought in by the ISA.

The 2nd day, I slept at 10.30pm this time, but managed to wake up at 4am, but, I woke up with a swollen eye. Siennn. But it's ok, it was soooooo worth it. =)

But dahlah got little swollen eye, almost gave me a heart attack somemore. I guess this is the price to pay for being an MU fan =(

You see, there's no way that crap of a team would win without the ref's help wan. Something like that red team from Merseyside. =)

Anyway, Mr. Yeah told me on Monday, "Abort mission naaaaoooooo.'

Of course, I didn't listen. -_-

But now, (Friday) no choice liao.

Retry-ed, Fail-ed, so that's why have to Abort LOL.


Long weekend for me. Thaipussam and Federal Territory Day! Yay. Eh, hello, you ppl from Selangor dont whine k. You all forever got Selangor holidays then come online and say 'Guess who doesn't have to work today? ^^v'





We have a winner!

(Click to enlarge)

*End Edit*

I downloaded SNSD's Oh. I really really like the song but the MV is giving me the creeps. o_O Now I can't wait for the 'gothic' version. I think I'm gonna like that =D

Okla continue my Dragon Age. It was on hiatus for like...3-4 days. LOL. Cousland got new armour d. Saw thatttt.

And I seduced Zevran and Alistair o_O I even tried seducing Leliana. And basically whoever I meet in my adventures la.

Haiz I'm such a slut.

Maybe that's why God didn't make me a girl in real life. =/

"I'm a free bitch, baby." - Lady Gaga (Bad Romance)