Monday, February 23, 2009

The Mexican Apple Thief.

Rotting/Growing grapes is starting to suck. I'm really, really running out of things to do. Since it's the weekend, I won't be receiving any email about any job offer, I'll just wait out a few more days.

I've submitted my resume to about 10 more companies. If nothing comes in the next few days, it's back to for me. or grow grapes. -_-

I was watching 'Scrubs' where there were 2 episodes which featured Mandy Moore. Ah, those were the days when I was crazy over Mandy Moore. Was a pretty hardcore fanatic of Mandy Moore. (Yes my mind was screwed when I was oh-so-young already)

I had all her albums (Pirated of course. I'm not that rich), I watched her movies (bawled my eyes out *shy* during 'A Walk to Remember'), and even supported Andy Roddick when she went out with him! But after she broke up with's like..Andy who? I even had her poster taped to my class table for 3 years straight!

Damnit, people with looks can just slide through life easy. People like us have to scratch other people's backsides and HOPE things go out way. I just thank god I'm not a girl. Among's not THAT bad. We ugly ones still can hang out with the cooler/handsomer ones.

Girls, on the other hand, gets the boot/casted aside if they don't meet the 'group' requirement. They are taking the 'Birds of a feather flock together' thingie waaaaayy too seriously.

Years of worshipping the likes of Mandy Moore, Delta Goodrem, Avril Lavigne, Boa, Lee Hyori, Lina of CSJH, Jessica of SNSD, and Chae Yeon has damaged most of my perception. It's more of knowing which 'league' you belong to. This 'league' thingie is such a bitch. I have seen many examples where guys have greatly defied the odds -_- I must learn. Don't understand? It's footballing terms, Liverpool thinking they have what it takes to take the EPL Championship. the way. =D

This, I like. *thumbs up*

New point to note. Never listen to a girl's advice. She says to give it(them?) another chance. So, oh now, what's this? 'Honey'? It makes me want to shift from banging my head onto the wall to buying a gun and blasting my brains out.

'Honey, honey, honey, honey'. *BOOM!* yay.

Woman, check out 'After School - Ah' =D. Everyone else, you can ignore it because it's just not your cup of tea. Unless of course you're just in it for the pretty girls =.=

"After school.. in the house modu gachi make it bounce" ^^v

Learnt my way to get to 'The Curve'. Not too sure about the coming back part though =( But seriously, 'The Curve' is one confusing place to be.

'the' is used when you only know one. and 'a' is used when u know a few =P

So, 4 hours later, I met 'the' pei ling, 'a' huizie, and 'the' hoe. and 'a' eugene.

As usual, my mouth (or more specifically my fingers) always gets me cursed =(

Most frequent question asked. 'When will you be back to Melaka?' Simple answer. When I run out of money of course. LOL. -______-

Well, will be coming back to Melaka one of these days. Hopefully before the whiny one flies off to Melbourne. It really depends on the outcomes of my job applications/interviews. =( (outta my hands people. soz)

And I'm really in need my training shoes. Getting really flabby. I think I have come to an age where the metabolism refuses to cooperate with me anymore T_T

No, I refuse to do anymore tags! I'm being tagged with soooo many tags daily I can't keep up! (Sorry Mrs. Miller =P) plus, people use this (embarassing. 'who ask you to put embarassing info?' 'Well, it wouldn't be funny/lame if it wasn't embarassing right?!') info against me =(

Talking(typing) too much? Yea, I think so too -_-

I guess Rihanna ain't coming huh.

Ok, time to sleep!

Bye Bye Bye..
Why did you say, bye bye bye.
Why did you say, bye bye bye.