Friday, February 20, 2009

Plumbing Maintanence.

After my super fun, yet fattening trip to Penang, everyone (including Kochi) decided we should go on a diet. In order to achieve that dream, we(including the tourist and the whiny one) went to Capitol Satay Celup and ate RM20(ok fine, just me. The rest RM15.) each and the next day we went to Jonker (the most overrated place in Melaka EVARRR, even the tourist can dulan) and ate/spammed 'fat-free' Gula Melaka all over our Baba Cendol.

Watched 'Alone' (2007 Thai horror flick) with the tourist before he went back to his civilization in Sumatera. Conclusion is: All hot girls are pure evil.

Once the whiny one goes back to Melbourne and the one without the filter decides to do his Industrial Training, there won't be anyone else in Melaka to lepak with, coz let's face it, the rest of you are no fun. Yes, TaiSoon, that includes you =D

So it's pretty much an obvious/natural step forward to start applying for jobs and goin for interviews. So that's why I'm now in Bandar Utama. =D. I finally went back to my Sunway Condo, and the guard at the gate (who always let me watch football past my curfew) STILL remembers me! and opened the gate for me. Wow.

Anyway, since I don't know how to get around in KL...I'm pretty much stuck in my room and relying on my sister/friends to show/bring me around. As I've said, my rotting days are numbered =(

First person I met was Yee Ming and the secret boyfriend who suddenly got hungry at 1am and decided to go mamak. There goes the diet plan -_-

But my knowledge of KL roads has increased from how to get to D.U to how to get to One Utama, options are starting to open for me for 'What to do/eat/play/watch for today.' Woo hoo!

I was so bored after my interview the other day as I had direct orders to go there and come back immediately and not roam about on my own, I went about cleaning my room (without a vacuum cleaner(!) and rearranged the furniture in my room for insanely imba good feng shui =) Even sister was amazed with my (hidden) talent.

Sorry, won't be back to Melaka for the weekend. Got a looooonng overdue dinner with my Coo-zahn(s) (Daniel Cousin a.k.a Hull City striker -__- Yes sorry I'm not funny =(

After 2 years+, I have finally opened my Altec Lansing 5.1 box. 'Duriseo' has never sounded so good. Whoop whoop!

"na reul bo go IT SSEO da ga o go IT SSEO
nae ga bo naen nun bi che ggeul lyeo
na reul bo go IT SSEO bba jyeo deul go IT SSEO
nae ga geo neun chwe myeon e chwi hae"

2nd time watching Music Bank (Maaf, KBS World kat Astro sedikit lambat) and I have no freakiiinng idea how 'Pretty Girl' can still be on the chart. That's like the most terrible spine-chilling/hair raising song (and group) ever produced. (Sorry, girl-whom-i-thought-was-a-boy-for-6-months, it's true! they suck!!!!!!111111oneoneone)

Someone should just shoot that group with an Altec Lansing 5.1. (coz it's more dangerous than a shotgun. Geddit, geddit? See the slogan up there below *Boink Boink*)Ok fine, I'm still not funny. -__-

The heat wave is killing me. Sit in the room (half) naked also still can sweat like shit. (Yes, I know shit doesn't sweat but nowadays we use 'shit' for everything)

So erm, sister has dinner. Since my knowledge is still to D.U. and to 1U only, sooo, dinner at 1U, anyone? Still wondering whether Nandos still has that soup/bread thingamajiggy.

Don't know where I stay? Just call me when you're at One World hotel, I'll give you directions (Fooyoh!) ^^v