Laagg. Lagggggg. Bzzzzt bzzzzt.
The net nowadays is beginning to suck major donkey d*ck. Would you like to buy a vowel?
Fallout 3 lags on 'High' -_-
Not really fond of the real time doom/quake/unreal gameplay. I prefer the old time-based thingie. Less stress when they come charging at you, u know =(
Sorry, old already. Cannot handle stress =(
The net nowadays is beginning to suck major donkey d*ck. Would you like to buy a vowel?
Fallout 3 lags on 'High' -_-
Not really fond of the real time doom/quake/unreal gameplay. I prefer the old time-based thingie. Less stress when they come charging at you, u know =(
Sorry, old already. Cannot handle stress =(