Tuesday, January 13, 2009


A few days ago, my 7-year-old house desktop went 'ka-ploo-ie!', literally. (I had nothing to do with it i swear!)

So now, finally, I have a desktop which doesn't lag at random times AND doesn't take 10minutes to boot up windows yay.

Now the hard part starts. It's Vista, it has no Winamp, no Firefox (who the heck in our generation still uses IE anyway), no VLC, no Daemon Tools(very important), and there's lotsa junk (eg. McAfee) in it which is in demo version on trial for 30 days only with the option to buy. AND the desktop is cluttered with shortcuts.

On a happier note, I can finally throw away my Dosbox and my emulators! Goodbye Worms Armageddon, goodbye Starcraft, goodbye Warcraft 3. Helloooo Fallout 3, Red Alert 3 and (soon to be) Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 =D