Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Brain Trust ™

My legs still hurt from playing futsal on Sunday. Ouch.

After sending Erica home after futsal, I finally know how bad Federal can be at 6.30pm. Today was no different. 30,000(?)people attended the rematch for the Malaysia XI vs Manutd XI at Stadium Bukit Jalil.

AS IF we didn't have enough jam on the highways already. Everyone saturating towards Sri Petaling. On a weekday. Smart. Some deity up there must really love Kochi. LOL. He must really have enjoyed the match to dengan semangatnya msg me halfway. Sorry boss, was. er. busy. HAHA.

But I didn't go for the rematch, even though I had plenty of offers to go. Too lazy to 'fight' the jam again like last Saturday. -__- The public transport system obviously has improved in the last few years. But it really, really can do better. They need to send someone to Melbourne and see how Connex(don't laugh) works.

Why? Because, as of August, I'll be officially taking public transport into the heart of Kuala Lumpur. For months, roomie has been teasing me 'So how's your FIRST time taking the LRT?' -_-'

Of course, I could have made my life easier had I not rejected IBM. IBM called me the other day (yet again) to offer me the spot as a software developer. I had another offer from a construction company, but..well that was pretty much too far...so, that wasn't taken into consideration.

Here are the pros and cons.


  • 20minute WALK to the HQ literally.
  • No hassles.
  • No jam.
  • Save petrol.
  • One Utama just beside it. (My backyard)
  • I can't do programming to save my life. Like. Seriously.

Cameron International Sdn. Bhd. (where I'll be working)
  • It's not programming. LOL.
  • Since it's a very prestigious oil and gas company, and people are telling me oil and gas is a good industry to be in, so..why not?
  • It pays well. =D
  • 15min drive to Kelana Jaya station, 20minute LRT ride to KLCC.
  • No exercise. LOL. (Not like the 20minute walk I can do if I was at IBM)
I was in a freaking dilemma with this matter. So, I called for my 'Brain Trust' group meeting to discuss the matter. Well, the thing about me is, I usually have already made up my mind waaaaaaay before calling for help from the 'Brain Trust™'. But I need someone to 'argue' with me. Coz sometimes I can be a little delusional/confused/influenced and I need hard facts drummed into my brain.

And in the 'Brain Trust' group, there were...5(?)people, 4 voted for oil & gas (which I pretty much had made my mind up about it) and 1 voted for programming. Those 4 people are smart (dun kembang please). They just asked me 2 questions.

1) How's your programming skills?
Me: Can throw.

2) Do you have any passion whatsoever in programming?
Me: I rather milk a cow.

'So there you have it. Your answer. Dilemma what somemore?'

And so, tomorrow, sorta would be my induction. (orientation?) And it's 4.30am, and I can't sleep. No ideaa why. Actually I know why, but let's not reveal that here, shall we?

Brain Trust™ group needed again soon. Will keep you updated. Pull plug or no pull?

For obvious reasons, I have made my mind up, of course. But, I still need people to argue with me/drill some sense into me. Sorry, I very noob at this.

P.S - I got 3 free invites to go watch Verbal from M-flo in Zouk KL on Saturday, 1st of August! =D

Yay for freebies! (Coz poor people like me are cheapskates)

Providing nothing comes up, I'LL BE THERE TO WATCH M-FLO!

If you really really wanna go, ask me how.(NOT in the cbox) If not, don't bother.

Ok, I better go sleep before I start looking like a panda tomorrow.

Goodnite, world <3