Only twice, in 3 months, have my ears picked up words which triggered something inside my brain to stop whatever I was doing, and pay attention.
First, it was the sound 'M-M-M-M-m-m-m-onster kill!' -_-
Ears instantly stood like bunny ears, and trying to retrace where that sound came from.
Turns out, it was a client's SMS tone. Very potong.
2nd time was today. Boss was on the phone with a client. In the conversation "Bla bla bla bla bla. I got no time to go Korea next month to meet you. Very busy.' I instantly stopped whatever I was doing to pay attention. After that, nothing interesting was happening so I went back to my stuff.
After a few minutes, "If only I got time to go Korea to discuss this issue with you, then we can settle this matter once an for all. I send my engineer to go la......"
The words "Korea" and "engineer" in a sentence?
This, I like.
But seriously, things like that really mess with my head. =(
If only I could just run into his office and say
After listening/evesdropping on the lengthy conversation,
Conclusion is:
1) Nope, engineer not going to Korea. Coz he is still a noob =(
2) Need to wait till September for confirmation then only can take leave to go holiday -_-
The Yeah the other day has asked 'So, hm, when is our ETA for Korea.' No shortage of people if wanna go. Taniko also confirm go.
So everybody, save money. Go go. END OF THE YEAR. WE GO. =)