Saturday, June 27, 2009

We don't appreciate art. =(

So the story was like this. On Friday night, 2 depressed people with no plans on a weekend, got onto MSN, and the rest was history. I'm soooo depressed now it's not even funny. I need a plan to get outta this depression. But that's a story for another day.

We left at 3pm, I drove for the first time to KLpac on my own, and surprisingly, I did not get lost! Hah! 4-month old KL boy pawnz 22 year old KL girl.

Upon reaching, trying to find parking is SUCH a bitch I swear to god.

Cars were parked and squeezed into every corner possible. Being an awesome driver *ahem*, I managed to squeeze into a space. Coz seriously, if anyone can think of how to park in One Utama during the weekends, finding parking like this is like...eating peanuts. =)

So we had to walk quite a distance into KLPac central theater since Sentul Park was freaking huge, but no matter, the scenery was kinda nice. Old buildings all. Roomie said 'Looks like Melaka'. -___- Melaka not THAT kuno ok.

Bought kebabs and ate by the lake.

So we bought our tickets and got our hands tagged, and OFF we go.

First there was a HUGEEE bazaar selling (kinda) overpriced stuff, but it was for a good cause la, so it's okay, i guess. =/

Walked around, saw performances, skits, artists such as PopShuvit were present, but not a fan at all. I'd scream like a girl if Boa was there though.

We were pretty bored for about an hour or so and agreed that the both of us don't really appreciate arts, or performing arts for that matter. We're both genetically art-appreciating handicapped. wtf. It's not in our DNA. One accountant and one engineer. Nothing artsy about it. T_T

Cute small little girl 'performing'.

A very tickled roomie.

Some performances/skits were pretty good though. Entertaining, but it's hard to entertain the crowd for 12 hours straight, I guess. After awhile, it gets very tiring and we kinda can see it from their faces.

And then, while walking around, guess who we saw!

(The guy with the backpack)

It's Kenny Sia! And he remembers who I am *touched*. And know that I'm from Melaka. I honoured. LOL. Roomie wasn't a fan so probably I was probably the only excited one -_-

And Kinky Blue Fairy was there too. But neither of us are like..hardcore fans, so I just took a photo from afar. HAHA.

Then, I saw her. She was sitting down playing the bongo in a spontaneous acoustic group performance. Before anyone says "OMG U'RE SUCH A STALKER", lemme say it myself first, "OMGAH I'M SUCH A STALKER." Yes, I tend to do these things. But even roomie said that she has that kinda look where you can't help but continue to stare at her.

Who's she? I have NO idea. No clue whatsoever. Like the picture of the girl I posted in Facebook which Daryl gave to me which Zhou tried to 'hunt down' for us. The person who gives me information will be handsomely rewarded =)

So here's the mini story. I saw her from far. I told roomie 'eh. that girl very, very sweet looking ler.' So I zoomed and took a photo.

Crap, can't see for nuts.

So, I went nearer to get better photos.

STILL can't see for nuts. But at least SOMETHING.

So, stupidity always prevails. (in my life anyways -_-). So I gave roomie the camera, and ran over to stand behind her. She has NO CLUE what is going on. LOL.

Still not clear. Sien. Asked roomie to come ALOT CLOSER. And here are the results:

Still unhappy, I decided to take things into my own hands, and I went UBER near and went trigger happy with the camera. Can go weak in the knees seriously.

Yes la, I'm a stalker. So sue me -___-

After that, while in the bazaar doing some window shopping, she was standing like....a meter away from me. But as usual, bola tarak, so couldn't just go up to a random person and say 'Hi.'

Although, I managed to see the tag that she's wearing. She's in media. She's a journalist!! But she's DEFINITELY, positively older than me. I somehow have a thing for more matured girls. Pfft.

Ok, game plan. Go to EVERY event possible. Instead of hunting down the superstars, I will be hunting down the journalists first HAHA.

The brightside is, I'm not a famous blogger. So chances are, she wouldn't be reading this.

I hope. I think T_T

If you ARE reading this, then, oops -__-

I'm not a stalker. Serious!

It's alllll a weird, sick joke. No, really. =(

ANYWAY, after that short-lived excitment, we went back to the bazaar and see what we could do to help for a good cause, y'know.

Roomie's face when finding something cool.

or...something uncool.

It was getting dark, people were looking tired,

took 2 photos as evidence that we had a 'life' on a Saturday,


Went to IKEA to see what we can do to accessorize our rooms (found nothing), and ate the Swedish Balls for dinner. Good stuff, seriously. Thank you OMS for introducing it to me. =)

And that concludes our sorta eventful Saturday -_-

After coming home, I saw roomie online, and whined,

After whining so long, in the end, kena

Bah, okla, sleep.

My legs hurt like hell after walking around for an entire day.

Goodnite, journalist.

P.S - Watched Prison Break till series finale. Very, very amazing ending to an amazing series. Not interested in my views? Ok, fine. Sleep then =(