Friday, June 19, 2009

Dear, My Jewel.

I think, it's about time I write to you. Dear, I need you now more than ever.

You are THE love of my LIFE. That has gotta count for something, right?

I can get at least 100 people to testify that for me.

I'm serious. I wouldn't be joking about these things.

Because currently, my hope, dangles on a string, like slow spinning redemption, winding in, winding out. The shine of it has caught my eye and roped me in. So mesmerizing. So hypnotizing. I am captivated.

I am right, I swear I'm right. I swear I knew it all along. And I am flawed.
But I am cleaning up so well. I am seeing in me now
The things you swore you saw yourself.

So clear, like the diamond in your ring, cut to mirror your intention. Oversized and overwhelmed. The shine of which has caught my eye. And rendered me so isolated, so motivated.

Right now, my defense is paper thin. Just one touch and I'll be in too deep now to ever swim against the current. So let me slip away, let me slip against the current. Let me slip away.

People say karma really comes back and bites you in the arse.

Yep, it did.

Karma bit HARD on my arse.

That's the only explanation, because,

For each step I take to getting close to you, you take a step to move even further away from me.



why can't you just like..stay put in Japan/Korea?!

We all know you ffk-ed our MTV Asia Awards in Malaysia last year, but it's okay, I wasn't in Malaysia then, so you're kinda..forgiven =) But, what happened to your South East Asian tour?!

Where are you now? I have been waiting for you for 6 years, and counting. I know you are currently SOMEWHERE in Los Angeles at the moment *checks your Twitter*, or not. What? In New York?! Oh, you're currently doing some photoshoot.

So what's with the outrageous hairstyles these days?

You rarely update me these days. I feel that we're slowly drifting apart.

Call me. =)

Hugs and kisses. XOXO.


The love of your life, too. =) (I hope, I think T_T)


Ok, a few things to settle here.

1) I have 2 season passes to go watch Transformers. Yea, so what's new right -_-

2) YeeMing Tan, if you read this, because I cannot get you for 3 days now. What's up with your phone?!

3) Roomie, you're supposed to be in lockdown. Why are you not online =(

4) For the first time in my life, Emily Quak has sided me in my fight against women evil. Thank you, Quak. Your advices are so much appreciated.

5) A series of unfortunate events have left me mentally and physically drained. And I have been running 6km on the treadmill everyday to lose my fats.

In conclusion, I'm feeling sickly now. T__T Hooray, more weight loss ftw. Zaman kegemilangan, here I come again!

A wise man said,

"A bruised ego hurts more than bruised ribs, trust me."

Yea, I hear ya. =(

Disclaimer: From the latest uploaded pic on Facebook, I am not responsible for whatever you people's (tagged ones) girlfriends might/will/should/can do to you in relation to your comments. I shall thank Cupid that I'm currently still single. I don't get to be slaughtered. Phew.

But then again, stupid Cupid has been firing arrows for fun, again. I'll get you for that, you just wait and see.

So, anyway, people have been bugging me to activate my "comments box" because apparently I hate to be spammed on my cbox and I delete your pointless messages (sorry!) But remember, if I get less than 10comments per post, I'm taking it off again =)

(Ok, 10 might be too much to ask. But we'll see)

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