Monday, May 4, 2009

Oh damn.

I used to be the pro. The king.

I watched 'Dark Water' (the Japanese version) on a rainy day at 1am at night and I went out after the movie that very night to go watch football.

I watched 'Juon' and 'Ring-u'. And still. No feel. I watched 'Shutter' with 2 housemates at 3am. Heck, I even survived that.

I watched 'The Others' feat Nicole Kidman. Yes, I had a fright of my life when Nicole Kidman asked 'Where's my daughter?!' and the ghost said 'Are you mad? I AM your daughter'.

I watched Amityville Horror and laughed at the stupidity of the people in there.

I watched Poltergeist and The Exorcist, and still no problemmoo. I watched 'IT' again in uni and it was...meh.

Lately, I realised I was becoming more of a wimp when watching 'Juon 2' last year, 'One Missed Call' and the latest, 'Alone' from the director of 'Shutter'.

BUT. Today, throw me some random crap horror movie, in this instance, 'Jangan Tegur', some pretty crappy Malay horror movie, and they had me closing my eyes whenever the ppl in there itchy backside go alone into dark,dark places. Seriously, those ppl never learn.

And now it's messing with my head. -___-

Therefore, this line is STILL oh-so-true. My ex-housemate came up with this statement:

"Believe it or not, I wasn't always as pathetic as I am now. There was a time when i was simply legendary."

Looks like this sentence will be on my Facebook profile for a looonng time.

(I decided not to post any pictures coz I'm already pretty much screwed up as it is)

Looks like there ARE only things you can do when u're a kid. Sigh.

And so, it looks like I'll be staying away from horror movies for the time being. It has been a great 10 years of horror movies for me *sob*

Unless, my future girlfriend-to-be is a horror freak, which means, I'm screwed. Hooray!