Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Now where's your picket fence, love?

*rinngg* 5.30. Woo hooooo. I survived! Time to go home and SLEEP.

Seriously, why is everyone breaking my rule of not spamming my cbox -_-

There are so many other cbox-es to spam! Ish. I know a few cbox-es which are particularly moldy/dead and is in need of spamming =P..just..don't..spam. mine.

Arsenal fans are mourning all around the world. It's a funny sight to watch actually =)

I'll probably just reach home and sleep till the Chelsea/Barcelona match starts.


Thank god the season is almost over. Then it's a 3 months break. Woo hoo! I can't keep up with this waking up at 2.45am for 2 weekdays every week.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in slumberland. =)

Oh wait, I'm still in the office. -_- I'll have to survive the LDP jam first. Bleh.