Wednesday, March 4, 2009

News Flash!

I'm coming back to Melaka on Thursday! (What?! Weren't you in Melaka?!) Oh shush.

Anyway, the occasion is, the self proclaimed india boi who isn't Indian but is actually chinese (say what?) is back. It's a grand thing because well, basically I haven't seen him for 2 years and he's the other person with _indah. The last time I saw him was 2 hours before I left for Melbourne in 2007. -_-

(Who are you talking about?!) What who am I talking about. This is him!

The only surviving Scouser fan since the whiny one emo with Rafa already. far I've managed to convince most of the people to skip class on Friday..and COME HOME and have dinner together with him. Satay celup! (Woo hoo!). Just one stubborn fella left who until now still isn't sure yet -_- Aih.

Reminder to people: It's a Thursday coz...Kochi and I will be back on Thurs and the india boi won't be in from Friday to Sunday and either Sunday/Monday Kochi and I will have to go back to KL, or Kepong, whatever. (well, just me actually. But I'm the planner. So shush.) coz I start work on Tuesday. -_-

And I quote Titus:

"But to a non-KL-er like me, KL = Puchong = Subang = KL = Whatever = KL. Its all "KL" to me. Don't go arguing with me about that, cause I would have no idea where you're talking about."

Everyone's happy for me, or maybe they're jealous that I'm rotting and they're not pfft. But seriously another month of rotting and my brain will turn mash...into soup

So, my days of sleeping at 6am after a football match and waking up at 3pm is over =(

Now bedtime is gonna be 11pm and waking up at 7am daily. NoooooOOOOOOooooo!!!!. The last time I did that was in high school. (But didn't you have classes at 8am in uni?) Shhh. I watch online lectures k!

Whoever wanna follow me back from KL please let me know by Thursday 3pm. tq. =) 2 seats left! be quick. Go go. You have to find your own way to 1u though. -_-

Sorry, whiny one. We will try to take pics for you k k. =D