Back to work. yay. -_-
Well, since my degree sorta allows me to be flexible and do (almost) whatever engineering job, I think if i have a choice to:
- Go into the production line and get my hands dirty(with dirt, grease etc) and back up into the office to do some basic software analysis
OR - Sit in the office from 9 to 6pm daily sitting in front of the computer doing computer programming and asking the monitor 'WHY WON'T YOU COMPILE!DEBUG, GOD DAMMIT!' while the entire office stares at you wondering whether you have gone cuckoo,
Then while during industrial training, it really opened my eyes to how I want my job to be., my 'group' had 3 trainees, including me. 2 of us are the 'labour boys'. 'Run to production line and get the analysis done for me ASAP', screamed my supervisor at 9am in the morning. The other one is the computer programming geek who comes in at 8am and stares at the computer screen all the way to 6pm. Wow.
Okla, for 3 months, that's fine. But, for the rest of your life?! Okla maybe not the rest of your life. Give me 4 years also I feel like wanna kill myself each time the program wouldn't compile. Then again, I suck at programming. -__- I was born to NOT know how to do programming. -_-
I like this phrase:
"Useless friend that can be dump in the big dustbin and lit on fire."
Thank you, Huizie. Now I have more phrases to throw at people ftw. =)
Ok, work work.