Monday, February 9, 2009


So, there's this 'dude' who does encodes of music videos for people...since I got to know and talk to 'him'...we always talk about 'professional' stuff and rarely personal topics other than 'what are you up to?' etc.

It's been about..6months. That's how long I've talked to this 'dude'. 'His' name sounded guy-ish. Today suddenly..'he' says 'brb. bf on phone.'

I went 'bf??!! don't u mean gf?'

'He' said 'er. no. my boyfriend. anyway brb'.

After resuming our conversation, it turns out. 'He' is a 'she'. LOL. OH NO*. That changes my perspective of HER totally now. I was 'conned' because we both had similar 'Boa looks awesome in that video'. He(She) would say, 'Yea, she's freaking hot.' How not to be conned u tell me. But then again, girls are allowed to check girls out. The same rules do not apply for the dudes.

*Why I say 'oh no' is because... conversations between guys and conversation between the opposite just waaaaaaaaaayyyy totally different. Girls out there, if you don't believe me, go ask your guy friends -_-

In conversations between guys, there is only ONE rule which is..'There are no rules. Anything goes.' Conversations with the opposite sex on the other hand..requires LOTS AND LOTS of filtering. Language filter, word filter, brain filter, emoticon filter etc.

Example 1: Guy vs guy (Click to enlarge)

Example 2: Guy vs girl

Thank god it isn't the other way round where I assumed the guy is a girl. Imagine if I started flirting. Ouch. That would be soooo wrong.

Moral of the story is:
  1. Never generalise genders. Girls can be good at encodes too.
  2. Do not name your kid unisex names such as 'Leslie' or 'Daryl' or 'Alex' or 'Chris' or 'Ashley'. It just creates lots of confusion.
  3. Do not flirt with ANYONE one without first knowing his/her sexuality.
  4. If you have a weird/awkward moments to share, no need shy. tell me pls =)