Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Spidey Suit.

Me and the whiny one could have won RM1000 last night! The fugitive was at the Stadhust fountain at 9.30pm. We could each have been RM500 richer! Nooooo. Instead, we decided to not ffk our friends and go futsal instead.

Ah, how life would be different with that RM500. I could really use the money right now. -____- And no one won the money last night and it snowballed to this morning NOOOOooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo.

I went to DP (Dataran Pahlawan) for the second time EVER in my life. Made him stand with me in the Lalaland to watch a BoA performance on TV. LOL. The first time I went there was with Chia Ying, then today the 2nd time was with her tunnel housemate. HAHA. I swear to god, the tunnel joke will never go away.

During CNY at the whiny one's house..4 people managed to say it without me mentioning it! Although that babi T-dawg go tell Kochi about it b4 he said it..i bet he WAS gonna say it eventually!

So there it was. I saw it. The Nike spidey jersey. *gasp* Since I was a hardcore Spidey/Nike fan as a kid, this was like finding a goldmine! And since I wanted to look like this,

so, i bought it -_-

On the downside, I'm poorer by 100bucks. yay.

Babi, the Kuroki Meisa's song is freaking stuck in my head the entire day -_-

Kochi, if she sees this, you and I will be dead. Oh wait, just you! =P She doesn't know me!