Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm home!

I'm home!

Yes, I have eaten my quota of char kuay tiau for the year already. And asam laksa. and chendol, and lor bak. And of course, Frankie pizza -_-

AND enough of Taylor Swift's 'Love Story', pleaseeee. In one day, the radio stations were spamming that song OVER and OVER again. One day can get at LEAST 5 times. Seriously. Yes, I know Valentines is here, but...Lord save our ears. Amen.

For the first three days, all I was wearing was a singlet (pajama singlet) and 3 quarter pants and slippers, while everyone was well dressed. (dunno for wat also). Show who seriously? -_- In the end, aku kena panggil apek, but..the apek got chatted up by a girl k =)

I have been mistaken as a Malay guy TWICE(!) and the malay girl tried to chat me up all because I speak fluent Malay. Sigh.

I probably spoke more Hokkien in these 5 days than I have the entire of last year =( No speak Hokkien, kena bunuh. As was demonstrated by some dude who ordered lor bak in Malay and got charged double the price. Smart.

I gained (only) 2 kg! ^^v Looks like all hope is not lost after all. Woo hooo.

For people who do not believe the embarassing stuffs that happen to me on a daily basis, I have 4 witness for you who can testify for me. For 5 days, they have seen ME in action. LIVE. Until the last day, one by one say 'I give up. Lemah ady.'


Sorry, it's not like I do these things on purpose T_T. Things just..happen =(

Fun's over. Now it's back to reality.

Hope everyone had a fun Valentine's day.

And happy 22th birthday, roomie. =)

Sorry I forgot to save your phone number when you gave me a misscall. T_T

(Yay just saw this on facebook so I shall curi it)

Lemah -_-