Houston, we have a problem. I cannot find my recycle bin -_____________-
I think I may have deleted the icon from the desktop. Noooooooooooooooooo.
Any idea how to get it back?
Yes, I should be trying to find out how to get it back instead of blogging right. Pfft.
*Ok nvm got it* 'Yahoo! answers ftw'
'Right-click on the desktop, select "Personalize." Under tasks, click on "Change Desktop Icons." Check the box for recycle bin, and click on okay. The recycling bin will appear.' =)
The thing with Vista is..they 'think' they know what the users want...but they dont. -.-
I'm slowwwlyy learning the ways of Vista. *phew* I now know how to change from 'single clicks' to 'double clicks'. Ok those computer geeks, you can stop laughing now.
This is the problem with tweaking new computers. Thank god now i'm good with computers. There was a time when I was young where I crashed the computer every 2 weeks. -_- until you cannot understand the scolding and grounding I got from my father, seriously.
Yea, imagine this face getting beaten up -->
My hair is about that length now. Ok slightly longer. haha. But still..it's so shorrttt. Especially the fringe. It's now in 'no man's land' where it's not too short and it's not too long so it's actually irritating. =(
Finally finished 'Fallout 3'. Now I can have my life back. No more Bobbleheads™ hunting! =) The main quest is pretty short compared to Fallout 1 and 2 though. And waaaay less variety of guns. And... I think Moira Brown in Megaton is insanely cute. LOL.
You know your life is sad when u find an animated character cute -___-
(if any of you read this and say 'I know my life is sad, no need liddat wan', I'm gonna go kick your tooshi.) I am using the word 'tooshi' coz i know a 10 year old reads this blog. Cannot cater to mature audiences only. Not that you're not mature enough, honey. =)
Ok back to finding my recycle bin. yay.