Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh C'mon.

That's the best you got after a year of hiatus? Of course you're no.1 on the charts. There aren't anyone else competing with you at the moment!

C'mon you bunch of 19 year old girls! Do not disappoint! As it is, 30 year olds Chae Yeon and Hyori are pawning ni men de pigus.

It's ok. It's not your fault. I blame SM Ent. They don't wanna take risks and sticking to the tried and tested -__-

No more pop please! some R&B and punk rock if possible =)

Seriously Chae Yeon should just release ONE single now and see who will be no.1.

Ok, Chae Yeon, show em how it's done. Disco! Samba!

To those who aren't in Malaysia, or people like Daryl who hasn't been around for years to celebrate CNY, YOU are missing THIS. Yes. This.

Thanks to things like this, I have only lost...2kg. -__- Another 9 to go. Go go.

How la to slim down when i chomp down stuff like this. =(

I'm starting to love Malaysian weather. No need to 'test' the temperature every morning. And it rains! Damn nice to sleep. The food roxxor. How issit not good to be home? Yes, life is good. It was a good decision to come back home for good. Definitely. 500% sure. Ok 499%. Coz the stupid net damn slow. *pout*

After uploading the primary school pic in Facebook (yes la the kiddy pic album -_-), I realised i can only remember 5 or so names of the people I have not kept in touch with. While, an ex classmate can remember 90% of all their names.

At least everyone now is laughing at it, reminiscing old times. Even the muka masams!

Finally, people, Penang trip planning underway. As soon I discuss dengan Yang Dipertuan Kochi dan Yang Berhormat Zhou, I will create a facebook 'event' with the details.

Ok, no hablos engles hur hur.