Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Honey(s), I'm home! <3

Yes yes I went missing. Sorry =(

No net + no phone signal at where I was. (occasionally) not that anyone called LOL. I think -_-

6 days without net was helllll. Finally I'm up to date with the forums =D The stupid net died on me for no apparent reason on the day b4 I left so I couldn't change my Fantasy Football team..and they kinda sucked noooooo.

Now it's time to clean up. Inbox, emails, messages, forums replies, change fantasy formation etc.

imba -_-

So let's recap. I graduated!! WITH omfgwtfbbqpewpew HONOURS!!!!

Yay me!

Took one with the family. My sister was mistaken as my girlfriend countless times -_-

Yes this wasn't as fun as u think it was. When about 10 (HARD!) mortar boards come back down it's pretty scary and it hurts as hell when it hit the head. T_T

This is the batch of engineering people. At 5 feet 10 I thought I was damn lan yeng tall. But among these 6 foot 2, 6 foot 3 guys I suddenly feel like a midget. =(

And so I was in Tasmania. Pretty fun but boring at the same time. The journey around was very tiring. Pics will be posted up soon..i think.

Haven't packed for nuts and I'm goin home in 2 days. Going for roomie's graduation tomorrow and one whole day at the city on Friday. Saturday early flight home.

Shall see everyone back home =)

In the meantime, don't disturb me, I need to pack. -_-

Oh, the joy.